When most people think of chiropractic care, they automatically assume that it’s for pain. Chiropractic care and blood pressure can go hand in hand. At St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center, we like to think outside of the box. Chiropractic care focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous system of the body. So, it’s only natural to assume that chiropractic care can play a large role in alleviating pain and aid in healing the body. However, let’s not forget all of the other amazing things it can also do. Do you know that the misalignment of your spine can directly impact your blood pressure? Spinal misalignments can in fact raise your blood pressure which can lead to unnecessary health conditions. At St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center, our goal is to educate all of our community on holistic wellness and ways that those dealing with even the most chronic health conditions like hypertension, can seek natural, holistic treatment.
The Chicago Study
The University of Chicago performed a study on the correlation between spinal misalignment and high blood pressure. They found that those who had misaligned vertebrae in the neck along with high blood pressure, had a dramatic decrease in their blood pressure after a one-time chiropractic adjustment. So much so that they claimed the decrease would be equivalent to taking two blood pressure drugs at once. Imagine being able to manage your blood pressure without the use of medication. Imagine your own body being able to naturally heal itself through spinal manipulation. At St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center, that is always our goal. We believe that chiropractic care can help lower your blood pressure concerns and aid in your overall quality of life.
Choosing Chiropractic Care
It’s no secret that chiropractic care can help control your blood pressure regularly. Studies, research and patient experience has proven this time and time again. However, you still want to make the right decision when it comes to the practice you choose. At St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center, our goal is always education and wellness. When you step into our door, your needs are met by our expert professionals. We want to discuss your concerns and assess your problems. We will work with you to develop strategies that will ultimately restore your health and bring a higher quality of life.
For more information about the treatment of high blood pressure through chiropractic care, feel free to call us and make an appointment today. If you are ready to lower your blood pressure and keep it under control, call St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center today at 651.644.7207 or send us an email at info@stpaulnaturalhealth.com.