Chiropractic Treatments

Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works!

Carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that causes pain in the wrists, fingers, and hands, is common. Carpal tunnel treatment options typically include medication and surgery. Chiropractic care offers a more effective and safer alternative to surgery that provides...

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Leg Pain Relief In St Paul

Sciatic and leg pain can occur for many different reasons. Interestingly, many people experience it after an extended period of inactivity, sitting for too long, sleeping in a position that puts pressure on your sciatic nerve, lifting a heavy object, or even after...

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Prenatal Chiropractic Care St Paul

Any woman who has been through a pregnancy can tell you that aches and pains are a given throughout the term. It has been reported that approximately 50% of women suffer from chronic back pain throughout the pregnancy, while another nearly 75% report intense back pain...

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Chiropractic Help for Lordosis or Swayback

Lordosis or, what is commonly referred to as “swayback,” is a medical term for an abnormal forward curvature of the lower back (lumbar region of the spine). It ranges from a small curvature to a more serious spinal deformity causing misalignment of your spine and...

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Recovering In St Paul After A Sports Injury

When you are injured playing a sport that you love, it can take a toll on you both physically and emotionally. Being active is probably part of your identity, it keeps you healthy and it gives you joy and satisfaction. Suffering an injury can be a setback, but it does...

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Seeing A St Paul Chiropractor For Runner’s Knee

Training for the New York Marathon? The Boston Marathon? Maybe, more locally, the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon? As this is a season for running and training for spring marathons, we want to look at a condition that is commonly found amongst runners, known as...

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Non-Invasive Options For Back Pain Relief

Have you struggled with back or neck pain for weeks, months, or even years? Back and neck pain can be felt every time you take a step, every time that you turn around, and sit down. It is the kind of pain that is difficult to manage, and it can be extremely...

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Tips To Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Millions of Americans are in the midst of the holiday rush: cleaning the entire house to prepare for the in-laws, trying to obtain that perfect present for the many friends and family on the Christmas list, sending out Christmas cards, planning menus, decorating, and...

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Chiropractic Care To Deal With Vertigo In St Paul MN

Vertigo is a debilitating disorder that can create a real scare for those that suffer from it. It is also known to rear its ugly head and become more common and oftentimes worse during the winter months. While there are many reasons why vertigo occurs, there also...

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St Paul Chiropractic Relief Of Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects 1 in every 50 Americans and causes aches and pains all over the body, without any concentrated spots. In addition to the widespread pains, patients that suffer from the effects of fibromyalgiafind themselves more sensitive to...

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Schedule An Appointment with St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center

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Office Location

464 Hamline Ave South
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Map & Directions

Contact Information

(651) 644-7207

Office Hours (By Appt Only)

9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
12pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays

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