
Chiropractic Adjustments for Pain Relief

St. Paul Chiropractic and Natural Medicine Center is a trusted provider of chiropractic adjustments to relieve all types of pain. Chiropractic adjustments are a highly effective treatment for pain because they focus on correcting spinal subluxations, also known as...

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Hidden Injuries After A Car Accident

No one wants to think about being in a car accident, and many people dismiss the idea, saying that they are a cautious driver. The fact is that even the best drivers can be involved in accidents, where someone else was at fault. Regardless of fault, you need to be...

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Chiropractic Tissue Regeneration

At St. Paul Chiropractic and Natural Medicine Center, we embrace cutting-edge techniques to promote tissue regeneration. Through chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and regenerative medicine, we aim to optimize the body's innate ability to heal itself. Our...

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Relief from Chronic Pain In St Paul

For many individuals, chronic pain can be a debilitating condition, impacting every aspect of daily life. From persistent backaches to recurring migraines, the burden of chronic pain can feel overwhelming. At St. Paul Chiropractic and Natural Medicine in MN, we...

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Non-surgical Treatment Options For Bulging Discs In St Paul

Have you been suffering with back pain or a bulging disc for longer than you can remember? Have you tried multiple different types of treatment without much success? Are you looking for an alternative to surgery that might help you finally find permanent relief? St....

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Are Headaches Normal?

Headaches are an unfortunate part of life. Headaches are just something you have to live with. There is nothing you can do about headaches except take medicine. Headaches are normal. These are the lies that many people hear over and over again. At St. Paul...

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Chiropractic Clinic Near Me

When it comes to chiropractic care in the St. Paul, MN area, there is no better clinic to choose than St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center. Everything that we do here is focused on a holistic approach designed around optimizing your natural health....

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Non-Invasive Back Pain Relief

Back pain can interfere with your daily life and leave you wondering if you will ever feel normal again. Treating back pain takes many forms and can sometimes be difficult for health care providers to treat. One common dilemma faced by individuals with back pain is...

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Schedule An Appointment with St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center

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Office Location

464 Hamline Ave South
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Map & Directions

Contact Information

(651) 644-7207

Office Hours (By Appt Only)

9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
12pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays

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