Chiropractic Help for Lordosis or Swayback

Chiropractic Help for Lordosis or SwaybackLordosis or, what is commonly referred to as “swayback,” is a medical term for an abnormal forward curvature of the lower back (lumbar region of the spine). It ranges from a small curvature to a more serious spinal deformity causing misalignment of your spine and subsequent back pain. While symptoms are easily diagnosed, determining the cause of the condition can be more difficult. At St. Paul Chiropractic and Natural Medicine, we’ve seen a broad variety of cases, each with unique catalysts. While the symptoms are the same, the root cause is more diverse. Visiting a chiropractor can provide the necessary insight to determine the cause. More importantly, once a chiropractor knows the root cause, they’ll be able to outline a treatment regimen that addresses both the symptoms and the catalysts behind it.

Types Of Lordosis

Lordosis changes your posture depending on the type of condition you have. How it affects your body depends on where you have it. If the curve in your spine is severe enough it might make it difficult (or impossible) to move your neck or back.

● Cervical lordosis: Pushes your neck further forward than it should be or usually is. In very rare cases, this can affect your ability to use your neck and throat, including talking or swallowing.
Lumbar lordosis (swayback): Pushes your hips and pelvis further forward than they should be. This can make you stand with your stomach pushed forward and your butt stuck out behind you. If you lay flat on your back, there will be more space underneath your back than usual. Rare severe cases of swayback can interfere with your ability to control your bladder or bowels.

Treatment Options For Lordosis

A chiropractor will typically design a treatment plant based on two factors, namely how severe the lordosis curvature is and what caused the condition. Treatment methods include:

● Regular spinal adjustments to improve range-of-motion in the neck region and to make the muscles stronger.
● Moderated loss of body weight to help support proper posture.
● Various nutritional products and supplements to help make bones stronger.

Spinal Healthcare Options In The St Paul Metro Area

Lordosis is a condition on the rise thanks to text-neck and other poor posture habits common in our digital lives. If you notice hunching or unnatural sloping in your spine, it’s time to visit a chiropractor. St. Paul Chiropractic offers comprehensive care and a range of spine-related healthcare solutions. To learn more about our approach to spinal health, schedule a consultation and adjustment today!

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464 Hamline Ave South
Saint Paul, MN 55105
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(651) 644-7207

Office Hours (By Appt Only)

9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
12pm - 6pm
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Office Location

464 Hamline Ave South
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Map & Directions

Contact Information

(651) 644-7207

Office Hours (By Appt Only)

9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
12pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays

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