Do you or someone you know in St. Paul, MN struggle with mental health? Whether it be anxiety, depression or another type of mental health condition, our team at St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center wants you to know that chiropractic care can help you or your loved one grab a hold of their mental health. By focusing on strengthening our patients physically through chiropractic care, our chiropractors are also able to strengthen them mentally as well.
Holistic Chiropractic Treatment Yields Better Health
When it comes to chiropractic care, this natural treatment method focuses on providing patients with chiropractic adjustments and manipulations. Through these chiropractic treatment methods, patients are able to experience natural relief from a painful injury or nagging condition. Without chiropractic care, the patient may rely solely on pain medication that only hides the medical issues.
In turn, this reliance on pain medication can have a negative effect on the mental health of an individual, especially if they’ve been dealing with the injury for a long time. Their anxiety or depression can heighten because of this pain injury or medical condition that they are trying to manage. Poor mental health can show up through symptoms such as aches and pains, headaches, muscle tension and even stiffness.
At St. Paul Chiro, it brings a smile to the faces of our chiropractors when we see how our holistic chiropractic treatment can yield better health both physically and mentally for our patients.
Mental Health Benefits through Chiropractic Care
In addition to the physical benefits that chiropractic care offers individuals regularly, there are mental health benefits that our crew at St. Paul Chiro want to make you aware of. These mental health benefits through chiropractic care include:
- Better Sleep
- Reduced Blood Pressure
- Heightened Immune System
- Positive Hormones Released
- More Relaxation
- Less Headaches & Tension
So, if you are looking for natural relief from not only your physical injury or condition, but also from your mental health symptoms, chiropractic care may be just what you need. If you are in the St. Paul, MN area, contact our chiropractors at St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center and let us create a customized chiropractic treatment plan for you. In turn, we’re confident that you’ll experience natural relief, both physically and mentally. To set up this appointment or to learn more about the positive correlation between chiropractic care and better mental health, give us a call today at (651) 644-7207 or email