When you’re suffering from fibromyalgia, between the pain of your condition and any other symptoms you may be experiencing, it can be a difficult condition to simply live with, and at the St. Paul Chiropractic and Natural Medicine Center, we don’t want you to have to live with your pain; we want to help you live as pain-free as possible. Our St. Paul, Minnesota chiropractors, massage therapists, and natural medicine doctors are dedicated to providing natural pain relief for fibromyalgia patients, giving you an alternative pain relief method to medication. With chiropractic care, you’ll have the benefit not only of avoiding medications, you’ll find lasting pain relief for extended periods of time. That’s because chiropractic fibromyalgia treatments aim to treat more than your pain; we treat the causes of your pain and other fibromyalgia symptoms, ensuring that you have a comprehensive treatment plan for your fibromyalgia that will help you live a more healthy, pain-free, and mobile life.
Treatable Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Because of the nature of fibromyalgia, it causes your body’s muscles to stiffen, which means that your range of motion will be significantly and negatively impacted. This can affect your entire body, especially once your spine has become limited in its movements. Once your spine has tightened, your body becomes even more strained, and your muscles will naturally tend to tighten even more, reflexively. This added stress to your body, including tightened muscles, decreased range of motion, increased overall pain, and other negative side effects of tightened muscles can make living with fibromyalgia infinitely more painful and difficult. Luckily, chiropractic care allows us to provide spinal adjustments and for fibromyalgia pain relief, decreasing stress on your back, neck, hips, and extremities. With these treatments, we are able to help improve symptoms of fibromyalgia such as sleep disorders, jaw pain and dysfunction, muscular and joint pains, and more.
Chiropractic Adjustments for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief
With chiropractic spinal adjustments, we are able to directly impact the areas of your body affected by fibromyalgia pain, relieving musculoskeletal and nervous tension throughout your neck, back, and extremities. Whether your pain is central to your spine or not, the spine plays a significant role in determining the amount of pain you do or do not feel, and by reducing stress on your spine, we can reduce stress throughout your entire body.