Many years ago chiropractic treatments were developed to relieve the body of pain and discomfort. Modern medicine, specifically through the practice of chiropractic care, has built on this knowledge over several hundred years, and the result is that we are now able to provide chiropractic treatments that help restore balance to the human body. The result of chiropractic adjustments when applied by experienced and trained professionals, such as our staff at St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center, can help you achieve your body’s natural balance. Getting a chiropractic adjustment regularly can result in the elimination of your pain and discomfort. At the very least, regular appointments with a provider of chiropractic adjustment will helpyou become more sensitive to the changes in your body’s balance, which means that you may be able to prevent more severe pain and discomfort with preventive treatments.
Restore Balance In Your Spinal Column
The chiropractic adjustment involves specific actions taken by a chiropractic professional to help restore balance in the spine and spinal column. When the chiropractic adjustment is provided as preventive maintenance, the emphasis will likely be on ‘adjustment.’ You may not be feeling pain or even mild discomfort, but if you have been experiencing, for instance, increased stiffness of the muscles in your lower back, it may be just a matter of time before your pain increases. Preventive chiropractic adjustments can restore balance in the spine and prevent more severe pain from occurring.
If you come to our clinic because of a more severe or acute injury or because you are experiencing more intense pain, the chiropractic adjustment process will be very similar, but may require more time and more intensive movement (the adjustment part of the process) to align the vertebrae in your spine. It will be important for us to determine the cause of your pain. Your pain could be the result of spasming muscles, compression of one or more disks in your spine, or both. No matter the cause of your back pain, engaging in the realignment process is likely to relieve the pain. Pain is relieved when balance is restored.
Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments
Another benefit of the chiropractic adjustment is that the spinal realignment process releases endorphins, which circulate through the body and provide a feeling of general well-being. Our lifestyles and our natural body structure may make us more susceptible to spinal misalignment. That is another positive justification for regular chiropractic maintenance. Call us at 651.644.7207 and we will be happy to help you.